The average house price on ISLAY GROVE is £94,265
The most expensive house in the street is 1 ISLAY GROVE with an estimated value of £135,152
The cheapest house in the street is 9 ISLAY GROVE with an estimated value of £66,699
The house which was most recently sold was 8 ISLAY GROVE, this sold on 7 Jan 2022 for £65,000
The postcode for ISLAY GROVE is TS25 3HN
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 ISLAY GROVE Terraced , 86 m2 £135,152 £80,000 3 Nov 2006
3 ISLAY GROVE Terraced , 71 m2 £74,444 £50,000 6 Feb 2015
4 ISLAY GROVE Terraced , 72 m2 £75,811 £23,500 16 Nov 2001
5 ISLAY GROVE Terraced , 71 m2 £130,305 £75,500 20 Apr 2011
6 ISLAY GROVE Terraced £108,531 £61,000 21 Mar 2006
8 ISLAY GROVE Terraced , 75 m2 £68,913 £65,000 7 Jan 2022
9 ISLAY GROVE Terraced £66,699 £21,500 15 Feb 2002